Astles scores in overtime!!

- One of the quietest personalities on the Kelowna Rockets roster made the most noise Friday night. Seventeen year-old Jessey Astles scored the biggest goal of his career, a laser beam like snap shot over Hawks goaltender Mac Carruth's blocker side, in a 2-1 overtime win. Astles' goal came about seven minutes into the first overtime when he intercepted a Derrick Pouliot cross ice pass at the Rockets blue line and went in on the breakaway. It was Astles third goal of the playoffs and second breakaway goal in the series. Astles scored just three goals during the regular season.
- Any questions on why Adam Brown was named the Rockets MVP? Didn't think so. Brown played the best game of the series Friday night. If you think he was good in game one, he was even better in game five. Brown was spectacular in the second period when the Hawks managed just one goal on 21 shots. No question he was the games number one star. Someone give this guy a NHL tryout or offer him a contract!
- Rockets d-man Colton Jobke is handed a five minute major and game misconduct for boarding after hitting Hawks forward Brad Ross into the side boards. The Hawks then had the luxury of a 5 on 3 after Rockets d-man Kevin Smith fired the puck over the glass. While the Hawks kept the puck in the Rockets zone in an attempt to open the scoring, few quality shots were taken on that extended power play.
- This game had it all including a big hit when Evan Bloodoff ran into Hawks forward Ryan Johansen at the Portand blue line. Johansen received a pass and was decked by Bloodoff. The clean hit saw Johansen's helmet pop off his head. Surprisingly the 18 year-old stayed in the game but just didn't seem to be his dynamic self after it.
- What impressed me about the Hawks after the hit was no one engaged Bloodoff in a fight. It is common place in today's game where a player can't make a solid open ice hit without getting into a scrap. It was nice to see that after the hit happened, both players went their merry way.
- The officiating job by Andy Thiessen and Nathan Wieler was outstanding. This was WHL officiating at its finest. Well done gentleman. No, they don't read this blog but that doesn't mean I won't mention them and the excellent job they did. Putting the whistle away in the third period and letting the two teams play was the right decision. Awesome.
- Did you notice the "tweedy bird" flying around the arena during the game? It would often perch itself on the bottom of the score clock. Did anyone get pooped on? Maybe Sylvester finally caught it because I didn't see it in the third period.
- I can't say enough about the Hawks fans I've met in this series. Friday night a group of people came to the broadcast location during the intermission and had such nice things to say about our broadcast. They even presented me with a 'Hoser' golf towel. The "Hoser's", from what I've been told, are a group of fans that have been sitting with each other in the same section at Hawks home games for years.
- Members of the Hawks Booster Club have won me over in this series. I walk by their table in the concourse area of the arena and we trade friendly smack about our respective teams. This booster club presents every Hawks player at seasons end with a huge white binder that includes everything from photo's, articles to game sheets over the entire season. They even presented me with a Portland Winterhawks Booster Club pin before the game. These people are class acts all the way and the team should be proud of their good work.
- I received a visit from Dan Folwick before the game. Folwick is former public address announcer of the Hawks who would bellow out: "Here comes the Hawks" as they entered the ice. Man, I love that. It was nice to touch base with him and it appears that life is treating him well.
- See you at Prospera Sunday afternoon (5 p.m) for game six. Bring your vocal cords and make some noise. After a day off, I hope to be well tuned as well!
HAHAHAHA Regan I just watched the replay of the game winner on the Winterhawks website and you can hear your voice behind the Winterhawks comentators as your scream;
Quite the call on that goal Regan!
Also Regan, I wanted to ask you and your reader's how you think this series alone will help this team to grow next year. It came up today that perhaps, win or lose, this series is a better learning experience than if we had gotten that 3rd seed and faced Spokane. I brought up the fact that it seems like this is year 2 in a 3 year plan for the Rockets, and had we gotten to the 3rd round, by a weaker 2nd round opponent than the Hawks in the Chiefs, the team wouldn't have learned as much as they are in this 2nd round series against the hawks, win or lose.
Thoughts from you and to anyone else who wants to pitch in?
WOW I WAS listening to the broadcast and i am soooo happy for the guys .That win is all about character and i hope the fans in k town realise how lucky we are to have a bunch of kids so hell bent on not giving up i hope they can show up with the same energy sunday..Kudos to Brownee and Astles man oh man are we in for a dandy sunday see ya there
PS nice tremolo on the winning goal call there regan. Keep some voice this serie is on its way to the max.
Regan you have to post your call of that goal....very funny. I was lying on the couch listening to the game. Got the earbuds in. Broke out laughing and rolling on the couch when you called the goal.The girlfriend is looking at me as I continue to howl and cry as I hear you apopologizing to Gord and the radio audience for your excitement. Thanks for another classic Rocket moment.
Go Rockets Go
Great call on the OT winning goal! I thought I heard you say "Kevin, get me some toilet paper" just before saying "Astles has scored". I hope things worked out well in the pun intended. All joking aside, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I like listening almost as much as being at the home games.
I also wanted to comment on how awesome/funny you were regan when astles scored! I also wonder do you think jobke maybe got kicked out not only cause Ross was bleeding but because they knew someone was going to go after him? Anyways very exciting game, can't wait for Sunday! Let's go Rockets!
The blood certainly didn't help the cause. I saw it a few times on video replay after the game, and after a second look, I believe the call was correct. I can't argue with it considering the officiating crew was probably deserving of a 'A' rating on the night.
I think Jared hit the nail on the head. Win or loose we are going to be a force next year.
Sask sold the farm for Schenne and will pay for it for the next few years at least. Swept in the second round after giving up so much is brutal
Kootneney moves on but again they gave up so much for Etakin (sp?) that they have sone rough years ahead.
Kelowna didn't give up anything and is still in in. We will only get better from this years run.Playing a team like Portland is helping us learn to be great and the Rockets are learning well.
Although I still hold with my trade thoughts and Barrie. Possibly given the right trade we would still be where we are today.
Go Kelowna Go !!!!!
I was listening to the game with my friend and all of a sudden heard a high pitched yell, and I wasn't even sure if it was a goal or not because I was so excited. Sure hope we can hear that goal again. By far one of the top 5 most exciting games I've heard you call Regan. Bring it on Portland we're ready for game 6. I'll be listening to am1150 audio while watching shaw. GO ROCKETS GO!!!!
Well its been mentioned here lots bad the announcement on the winning goal was priceless. I tell how excited you were and I was excited to.
So game 6 is on Sunday. Should be a good one. If rockets win this one who knows what will happen on Tuesday. It appears that home ice does not really matter in this series.
Brown ought to join his cousin in Colorado, on a try out at least. He's a little small, but the Avs need to try something new in net...
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