NHL Central Scouting has released its mid-season list of the North American player eligible for this summers draft.
Shane McColgan is ranked 102nd.
Zach Franko is rated 105th and Jessey Astles is a pleasant surprise at 192nd.
Astles fighting prowess, or eagerness to get involved physically is the main reason why he's being mentioned. That should be a cue for him to continue to do exactly what he is doing.
Wasn't McColgan ranked 15th a few months ago? Or was that a different scouting report?
Yes, but that was of WHL skaters. This list has the three CHL league's combined. It would be interesting to see if he has fallen though. Not sure I can obtain that info. At 102, that puts him in the 4th round.
Wow I thought he'd be a lot higher on that list. But I guess that's just me. Haha
He is ranked 102 in North American skaters. Europeans are ranked in a separate list.
All 3 of the Rockets are potentially not getting drafted when you add in the Euros.
True enough Wayne.
Reading stories all season long, the knock from scouts seems to be way to lazy defensively and too small. So that means in the Wild dont mind his size, they may take him 1st round since they took Bulmer in the 2nd and he still hasnt seen his own end.
I honestly thought Shane had the potential to be a top 5 pick in the draft. Hopefully he can pick up his game and prove the nay Sayers otherwise
I thought so too :D
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