Let's start with Vancouver:
Positives: Close to the ice, so the visual is good. In fact you are situated in the middle of the stands and are often surrounded by fans. Good PA system with one of the best announcers around. Recognize the voice? He has been the Canucks PA announcer forever. His pipes...outstanding.
It may be a small thing, but having internet capabilities is huge, plus the pre-game meal is a nice touch. At first glance I questioned the cheerleaders on the ice when the Giant come out, but now I kind of like it. Four of them shake their pom-pom's (yes guys the pom-pom's they have in their hands) as the players skate past them. They can actually dance and look good out there. After a game in Vancouver Sunday where the Rockets lost 7-0, at least something on the ice didn't make my stomach turn.
Negatives: The atmosphere at Pacific Coliseum is brutal. With the exception of the playoffs, the crowd makes very little noise. Sure they scream and yell when the Giants score, but overall I find it a quiet rink. The broadcast booth location is cramped. They force all of the media to sit in one section when the Giants have full access to the upper deck where the friggin paper guys could easily sit and watch the game. When the Canucks played at Pacific Coliseum it was used - why not now?

Positives: The red-haired lady who always has a smile for me when I come into the media room. I think she's been there for the 12 years I've been in the league, yet I don't even know her name. Shame on me !! She is likely a volunteer, and loves what she does. We always make small talk, as I slam a couple of finger sandwiches in my mouth.
The broadcast booth location is great. It's high yes, but right on top of the action, and right at centre ice. I have a better view then the Blazers radio guy does.
In between periods I always chat with Greg Drinnon. The Kamloops Daily sports writer has been around the league for over 25 years and knows what is happening with every team. Frankly it's kinda scary!
Negatives: I find the atmosphere bad in Kamloops. The fans only get upset over one thing....the officiating. Do they yell and scream at the Rockets players? Nope. But if the official makes a bad call, they give it to him. Maybe the beer in the stands on a trial basis will help the atmosphere?
I hate the public address announcer. I know he needs to be more excited when the Blazers score, but there should be a certain level of professionalism required by all PA announcers in the league. Trust me he is not as bad as the donkey in Spokane, but if everyone could follow the lead of the guy in Calgary or John Ashbridge in Vancouver, we visiting broadcasters wouldn't be as hesitant in putting these guys on the air-waves.

Positives: Pizza. You go anywhere in the rink and there sits pizza. Tons of pizza in the media room, pizza in the press box between periods, it's pizza, pizza, pizza.
I like the arena, not too big not to small....just right. I sound like Goldie Locks here. Great sight lines. While it's fairly high from the ice surface, I like the vantage point. The fans get pretty excited, and it's great to see them enjoying hockey and embrassing the W.H.L.
The washroom right behind the visitors broadcast booth is awesome. Just keep it down in there though, as I'm within ear-shot!!
Negatives: Where is the friggin PA feed? Nothing is worse than doing a game by yourself and having no clue who scored or what penalty was accessed. Sure you can usually get it right by simply paying attention, but no PA feed in the broadcast booth is 'bush'.
My only other complaint is the lack of an elevator to the broadcast booth. Climbing two flights of stairs with broadcast equipment is no easy task. Nothing like having sweat pits on my dress shirt once I get up there!
I guess I'll leave my suit jacket on .....again.
Prince George:
Positives: OK I like the .......well I think the .....no, that's not good.....I like the.....I can't think of one thing good about the rink in PG.
OK there is one - a bathroom is located near the broadcast location.
After the game I do love going out with beat writer Jim Swanson and TV man Al Bristowe because they give me a play-by-play of all that is wrong in 'Cougar Country'. And the end of the night with those two, I think I know more about the Cougars than my own team.
Negatives: The atmosphere stinks. The fans are so pissed off at management it's not funny. I am surprised Rick Brodsky sits up in the media area and watches the games for the possibility of a fan taking a swing at him. The fact that he lives in Kelowna in the off-season only makes matters worse.
No PA feed, no internet.....hello this is 2007 !!!
Would it cost to much to add these features so out of town broadcasts have a helping hands? Even the Cougars beat writer Jim Swanson has to use dial up!
The situation in Prince George is as bad as Kootenay.
The game notes stink (are they trying to save trees up there or is paper in short supply?) , the coffee is cold and the 12 Timbits they have up there in the media area could be polished off by my twin boys in 30 seconds.
For the record all is not right at Prospera Place in Kelowna either.

Positives: The sight lines are pretty good in the building, and it's nice to be separated by walls from others around you. Internet, PA feed and hot appies on weekend games are an added touch. The fans are pretty loud, yet our on ice mic may help create a better atmosphere than truly exists.
Negatives: The score-clock continues to grind my gears. It's old, out of date, and needs to be replaced. What were R.G Properties thinking when they put that thing in?
Oh right, they weren't! No video monitor in a building like that is unacceptable.
The Rockets organization have been calling for a new score-clock for years, but the message is falling on deaf ears.
Now that I've shared my thoughts, let me say that all rinks in the 'dub' have drawbacks, yet it's the people you meet inside of them that are the real reason why I enjoy visiting.
In your bio you refer to yourself as a "gym junkie". That would contradict your thoughts on the Chilliwack arena.
"My only other complaint is the lack of an elevator to the broadcast booth. Climbing two flights of stairs with broadcast equipment is no easy task. Nothing like having sweat pits on my dress shirt once I get up there!
I guess I'll leave my suit jacket on .....again."
Oh no! TWO WHOLE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!!! Perhaps you should lay off the Chilliwack pizza pig out. BC has made you soft. Have you forgotten the days of the ladder in Swift Current. Not having Habscheid around has warped your perspective.
In all seriousness, good blog Regan. I miss not having you in Swift Current to big league me.
Good to hear from ya.
The lack of an elevator in the 'Wack' comment shows that when I work out all I do is arms and no cardio, plus I have a sweating problem.
Am I soft living in BC?
Absolutely! Last time I was in Saskatchewan I cried because it was cold.
I have gotten used to Starbucks - not Tim Hortons - I love Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals - and I can't get enough of the unions here going on strike over and over and over.
Do I miss Swift Current?
I miss the outdoor rinks, I miss Tracy harassing me at the Civic Centre, and the voice of Len Enns making my ears bleed because of the bass.
I miss Ken Audette yelling down the hall.......Regee...and I miss laughing at trading post.
Did I big league you?
If I did I am sorry. How could I? I was always picked last in sports, I played the piano, I wore glasses,I had a stamp collection, I struggled in school, got beat up every day and went to my graduation without a date!!!
Come to think of it,that may explain why I was so nasty.
I am now going into therapy!
No need for therapy, you've done well. As one of the senior guys at the mighty Eagle/Magic in Swift Current, I often use you as an example of a "local boy who made good" to the young pups here.
As a morning co-host you carried Grant Schutte.
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