Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mail bag. Ask me a question.

1) Why are you such a homer? Answer: Ya, I am. Kelowna is my home. It has been my home for 12 years. I love this place. My kids were born at the Kelowna General Hospital. My wife and I make our living in the Kelowna area. I work at a Kelowna radio station that has primarily Kelowna listeners and Kelowna based businesses that sponsor our broadcasts. Without them I am pumping gas. I have very good relationships with the Rockets coaches. I enjoy my arms length relationships with the players too. And frankly, I take great pride in the Rockets organization representing my city when they are on the road. So when you listen to one of my broadcasts it will be Kelowna focused. For that I make no apology.
2) Do you publish every comment you get on your blog? Answer: No. I routinely receive comments from fans that take pot shots at Rockets players and I refuse to publish them. These are cheap shot comments from fans that really have no theory to why criticism should be directed towards a particular player. It pisses me off.! It especially irritates me when these so called fans couldn't even skate on the same ice surface as these elite athletes, yet it sure is easy to throw daggers at them from the keyboard of a computer. Give me a logical explanation on why a player should be criticised and I will publish it. On occasion, I too will shed some negativity but with a basis behind my argument.
3) You and Gord McGarva sure have fun on the radio. Do you really like each other? Answer: Yes. Gord has been very faithful to me over the years. McGarva isn't a broadcaster by design. What he is, is a fan who loves to use the radio platform to express his fondness for the team and the game. Gord has made many a road trip with me and would help me out at a moments notice. He isn't the most analytical colour man in the game but he sure loves being there.
4) Why do you interview some Rockets players more than others? Answer: Admittedly I do. The reason? Simply put, some players are just more comfortable behind the mic than others. Some have the gift to gab while others really struggle. I won't tell you who struggles, but clearly the best interviews on the team are Madison Bowey, Cole Martin, Colton Sissons, Mitchell Chapman, Zach Franko and Carter Rigby. And to be honest, a good talker/speaker makes my job easier and it simply flows better to the listening public.

If you have a question for me this season that you would like answered, leave me a comment and I will gladly try to answer it. 

1 comment:

Jared Comeau said...

Going on the Question of do you interview more than others. If you had a plaque that said "I Interviewed __________" Past or Present Rocket player, who would it be, and who would be most jealous of you?